
A record of all notable changes made to this website.


🔗 Added Links To Recommendation Cards

Each recommendation card is updated with hyperlinks to LinkedIn profiles and company websites, boosting credibility and facilitating ease of access to vetting materials.


🔄 Reordered And Edited About Page

I decided to toss sections of my About page that seemed cookie-cutter to allow me to add more sections in the future that show more of my authentic self.


🗂️ Updated Project Archive Sections

To facilitate the communication of my design journey, I decided to sum up all the projects I did each year. It would serve as helpful context before the reader dives into the case studies.


🪵 Established Changelog

I should have created this webpage sooner to keep a written record of all the changes I've made throughout the year. However, it's never too late to start! Stay tuned for more updates!